Project name: RE-EMPOWERED - REnewable Energy EMPOWERing European and InDian communities
Duration: 01/07/2021 – 31/12/2024

Project summary
The “RE-EMPOWERED” project aims to develop and demonstrate novel tools to provide a complete solution for all stages of a Microgrid/Energy Island and Multi-Microgrid applications.
The tools include energy planning ranging from the design of Microgrids from scratch to the upgrade of existing installation to high-RES systems. Planning will be guided by decision making about the generation size and other infrastructure parameters, based on economic and reliability criteria. Advanced Energy Management tools and solutions, building on existing proven technologies developed within other EU projects, will be further developed to achieve optimal operation of larger and smaller energy systems considering Demand Side Management (DSM) capabilities.
In addition, management tools will exploit synergies with other available energy carriers, including electricity, heating, cooling, water, waste, e-mobility, etc. taking into account availability, operational, security, and reserve constraints. These will be demonstrated to leverage on the advantages load management offers, like greater flexibility and more efficient use of energy infrastructure and resources. From the citizen perspective, this entails the cultivation of higher efficiency mentality and self-sufficiency by an autonomous energy supply culture, when relevant.
Concrete actions will be taken for customer driven approaches, supported by dynamic pricing, the establishment of local energy communities and local community training. A specialized tool will be developed and demonstrated to support active involvement of citizens in their own energy generation and management. Moreover, dedicated converters, electric vehicles and resilient infrastructures will be developed.
All the aforementioned tools and solutions will be showcased at four demonstration sites with weak or non-existent grids: two in Europe (Denmark and Greece) and two in India.
Protasis scope
As part of the RE-EMPOWERED project, PROTASIS SA is involved in developing and demonstrating innovative tools to deliver a comprehensive solution for all phases of Microgrid/Energy Island and Multi-Microgrid applications on Kythnos Island and in rural areas of Ghoramara and Keonjhar (India).
Specifically, PROTASIS is contributing to the creation of the ecoMicrogrid tool by designing and implementing cutting-edge microgrid control solutions. Additionally, PROTASIS is involved in developing the ecoEMS (Energy Management System) tool by integrating advanced algorithms into high-performance, off-the-shelf equipment, making it suitable for deployment in multi-carrier energy networks.
PROTASIS will engage in the deployment of hardware solutions at the chosen pilot sites, leveraging the chance to collaborate and share technical expertise with international stakeholders outside the EU.
- Lead Partner: Institute Of Communication And Computer Systems (ICCS-NTUA)
- Imperial College Of Science Technology And Medicine
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
- DAFNI – Network of Sustainable Greek Islands
- Bornholms Varme AS
- Deloitte Advisory Sl
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